Women are the real architects of society

International Women's Day was formerly known as International Working
Women's Day. The equal contribution of men and women to the unimaginable
success of a civilization is undeniable. The development of society cannot be
imagined through the sole participation of men excluding women. But women
have been neglected and oppressed for ages. In a patriarchal society, women are
being deprived of their rights due to social prejudice, religious orthodoxy,
oppression, and discrimination. That is why every year on March 8, World
Women's Day is celebrated with the call for women's liberation.
Since 1911, the day has been observed as a day of equal rights for women.
Socialists from different countries come forward to celebrate the day. March 8
is celebrated as Women's Day in a number of countries since 1914. March 8,
1975, was recognized internationally and the United Nations called various
nations to observe the day.
Women's Day carries deep significance in ensuring women's empowerment and
women's rights. International Women's Day is a great example of women's
unity. Due to the united movement of women on March 8, 1908, this day was
later recognized as International Women's Day. Thus, International Women's
Day plays a significant role in the women's movement. This day reminds
women of their rights, their contributions, and their position around the world.
The issue of women's empowerment was first raised in the western world. And
the United Nations came forward to make this empowerment successful. The
United Nations has declared 1975 as the 'World Year of Women' and 1975-
1985 as the Decade of Women for the purpose of social, political, and
economic development and empowerment of women. The first, second, third,
and fourth world women's conferences were held in Mexico in 1985, in
Copenhagen in 1980, in Nairobi in 1985, and in Beijing in 1995, respectively.
In developed countries such as America, Britain, Canada, Japan, etc., women
are experts in all fields.
In the world, women have to play important roles. They are bound to society in
all dignified relationships including Mother, wife, and daughter. They are half
of the society. It is the responsibility and duty of the state to ensure the
opportunity to develop their talents and self-sufficiency.
International Women's Day should be celebrated not just for one day but every
day for women, women's right and respect.
But it has to be remembered that women cannot be liberated in true sense of
the term unless and until their movement becomes a part of mass movement in
general, and movement for democracy in particular. 


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